Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Visit of César and Rosalia

We had a very nice visit from Rosalia and César Penagos this month, parents of Fernanda, who have been staying with Phil and Fer since the birth of grandson William. Last week they had bused down to Niagara Falls and then the weekend  of the 11-14th decided to come up and see us, taking the bus to Sherbrooke where we met them, before they returned to Mexico City on the 18th. Rosalia had never been out our way before and unfortunately had only been in Quebec during the cold winter months so she was pleasantly surprised by the change the summer makes here. The weather was beautiful, sunny but not too humid, although we had a bit of rain one late night that was gone by morning. Naturally we took them to Lac-Megantic one day, to Piopolis for a morning church service and then to breakfast the last day they were here to our local restaurant at the bottom of the hill. They thoroughly enjoyed their stay here and hopefully they can come back again one day. Hola comadre and compadre! gws

relaxing at our lake

strolling on Maxime

at the Piopolis marina

outside Piopolis church


visiting the site of the train derailment, Lac Megantic

breakfast, last day

Sherbrooke bus station