Saturday, June 2, 2012

Muffy's Life...continued

It has been three weeks now since we said goodbye to our dear friend Muffy and we all think about her as if she is still here. Little things constantly remind of us of her and sometimes I swear I hear her toenails clicking on the tiles as she sniffs around! Whenever Marie drops scraps of lettuce onto the floor when making a salad or a sandwich for me we expect Muffy to be there as she always loved a bit of green... or walking in the morning as we have our first coffee of the day up our road at the cabin with her running ahead and savouring all the smells of the past night.... jumping into the camper van and sleeping on top of the fold down bed if I forgot to close the door... going nuts whenever Christina came over for a visit...drinking water out of a bottle cap in the truck wherever we traveled....snuggling into my coat at Phil's hockey games when she was tiny...teaching her to get into a bag and stay absolutely still if we snuck her into a hotel that didn't allow pets...what a treasure she was to whoever she met! Goodbye little Muffy.. and thanks for all the memories.....gws

And when life's sweet fable ends, 
Soul and body part like friends;
No quarrels, murmurs, no delay;
A kiss, a sigh, and so away....

Richard Crashaw 1612-1649