The next day, the 25th, after attending mass at the Convento de Santo Tomas de Aqino, we opened our gifts, mostly enjoying the looks of wonderment and happiness on Amy's face as she experienced her second Christmas, her first in Mexico. I had picked Rosalia's name and she was thrilled with the sweater Marie and I had found in Quebec for her. Marie received a traditional Mexican top from Rosalia, drawing Rocio's name and giving her some slippers and boots. César gave me a bottle of Nicaraguan rum and some aftershave and I gave everyone a Team Canada hockey tee shirt and cap!

After a late Christmas dinner we drove downtown to the Zocalo, the city's huge main plaza and the heart of the Centro Historico. At one end stands the National Palace and the offices of the Mexican president. The plaza is the largest in Latin America and it was jammed with over 100,000 people, shooting off fireworks, gathering around a huge Christmas tree and celebrating the holidays: a sea of revelers! It was a typical cool Mexico City December night and even we were bundled up in coats and sweaters. No fear though for in a few days we would be heading for the hot beaches of Acapulco!