Nice to see President Obama yesterday. I managed to get a few feet from him as he drove by in his Beast and we exchanged waves. Security was pretty damn good downtown - mailboxes disappeared and manhole covers were welded shut, streets were closed and the city's traffic cameras went dark! Harper looked good next to him, though a bit nervous I thought, but it was a pleasant change to see few protesters about... Hearing Obama talk yesterday about the relationship between Canada and the USA it became clear that, unlike George W, in dealing with strong allies like Canada he is going to have to listen to us. But I hope he had a good first impression of Ottawa and will return as he promised when it's warmer. Got a photo from my living room window of him arriving in the market for a Beavertail just before heading back to the airport, thus concluding the greatest day in that Beavertail shack cashier's life! Great suggestion PM! You can see his limo and all the police escorts at the top left of the photo, the Market to the right. Click on photo to zoom in! And now... life gets back to normal! Peace everyone and have a great weekend! gws