Hello from cold, windy, wet and snowy Ottawa, the salt capital of Canada...It has been a while since I have blogged and I apologize. Since the last up date winter has set in with a vengence as it is prone to do this time of year at these latitudes and by my reckoning we have another 10 weeks to go before the word spring enters our collective vocabulary. I have since started my French language training at Ottawa U and am enjoying once more the fact I am the elder statesman of the class. I am ready for the challenge and look forward to my daily chats en francaise. Conjugating verbs and when to use etre instead of avoir makes for interesting conversations but I have already noticed an improvement in my speaking. I wonder if anyone else has...Marie and I spent last weekend in Montreal at Phil's new apartment close to centre-ville and helped him pick up some essentials at Home Depot as he begins to renovate. Fernanda has been in Mexico City for the past few weeks and Phil felt lonely and thought it was a good time for us to visit! Friday he flew down to Mexico to spend the next ten days there with Fer - hopefully it won't be too much of a culture shock for him: no hockey but they do have the world's largest outdoor skating rink. Go figure. We are still property hunting in Florida and have found a few places on the internet that seem interesting. I sent Lyn off to look at one in Brooksville for us and she thought it was a nice location and worth following up. She and Don are in St Maarten enjoying the sun and living it up at the moment and I envy them. 'Nuf said, as he looks out the window...But life goes on and we shall persevere. Bring on the next round of snow because for us here in Ottawa winter is not a season, it’s a bloody occupation! So till next time, good health, lots of love, and don't forget us here up north - and remember that one kind word can warm three winter months! gws