Thursday, February 5, 2009
Old Photographs, New Fears
Happy Thursday! And thanks for dropping in! Nice to see the "Buy U.S." plan has been revised and their biggest trading partner, Canada, not China or Mexico, is still in business...Let's get that Canadian dollar back up now -it's at 0.8117 USD as I write this... I uploaded some old b&w's of me and my family that I scanned from negatives and photos you might like to see! That's me and sister Lynette and my friend Kenny whom I can still remember! My mother was such a beautiful woman, don't you agree? She still is today and I could not have asked for a more loving,understanding and patient Mom! Most of these photos were taken at 203 RCAF Radio Station Foymount, Ontario in the early 50's. Dad was in the RCAF way back then, part of the military personnel there watching for bombers approaching over the Arctic from the USSR. Foymount, on Lake Clear, Renfrew County was just one of many radar stations on the Pinetree Line. The station closed down in 1974 and there isn't much around there these days although many of the old buildings are still standing...check out the old 1926 Essex! I think that was Dad's first car when he came to Canada! Looking back at these images and remembering what was going on during that time - our one great fear being the Russian and Chinese hordes that would come snarling down upon us from the frozen north - it is hard to imagine the simple lives we actually did lead. How complicated we have made things! We now live in constant fear of losing our jobs, our natural resources, our environment, our health and sanity and, with enemies in our own backyards we welcomed to this country with such naivety, our very way of life is changing before our eyes. I am going to try to remain optimistic about what is to come because the future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope. That's you and me. And that is going to be one tough job!...Take care and do check back tomorrow for more old photos! gws