Hello from the banks of the chilly St Lawrence River! After a very cold night at our property on the mountain - which was covered in at least six inches of snow - Marie and I arrived safely at our other Quebec retreat beneath the ski hills of St Anne, 22 miles northeast of Quebec City, and three hours from our cabin. Although it is cold and blustery there is no snow, even on the ski hills behind us, and warmer rainy weather is predicted for the coming week we will be here. This morning we visited the famous Sanctuary and, as we did three years ago, marvelled at the beautiful interior - paintings, mosaics and statuary everywhere. Before we leave the area we want to return and take some photographs. As we expected the town here is fairly quiet, although it has a population of 3500 it seems most residents are enjoying a respite from the throngs of visitors to the shrine that arrive every year - a million people each summer and fall! Our little condo has a fireplace and a nice view of the river on one side and the mountains on the other but without the snow and foliage everything is brown and rather bleak. We will be going into the city next week and, later find a day to cross over to Isle d`Òrleans and explore. For now we will relax and chill, literally. Today is Grey Cup day - Calgary vs Montreal - so will maybe take in the game later. Stay in touch with our wanderings! Till later, gws
Sunday, November 23, 2008
St Anne de Beaupre
Hello from the banks of the chilly St Lawrence River! After a very cold night at our property on the mountain - which was covered in at least six inches of snow - Marie and I arrived safely at our other Quebec retreat beneath the ski hills of St Anne, 22 miles northeast of Quebec City, and three hours from our cabin. Although it is cold and blustery there is no snow, even on the ski hills behind us, and warmer rainy weather is predicted for the coming week we will be here. This morning we visited the famous Sanctuary and, as we did three years ago, marvelled at the beautiful interior - paintings, mosaics and statuary everywhere. Before we leave the area we want to return and take some photographs. As we expected the town here is fairly quiet, although it has a population of 3500 it seems most residents are enjoying a respite from the throngs of visitors to the shrine that arrive every year - a million people each summer and fall! Our little condo has a fireplace and a nice view of the river on one side and the mountains on the other but without the snow and foliage everything is brown and rather bleak. We will be going into the city next week and, later find a day to cross over to Isle d`Òrleans and explore. For now we will relax and chill, literally. Today is Grey Cup day - Calgary vs Montreal - so will maybe take in the game later. Stay in touch with our wanderings! Till later, gws