Good morning! Another unseasonably warm day here in the Nation's capital but whose complaining? It's nice to see shorts and sandals in November and everyone is smiling for a change...Seems the universe is unfolding as it should, or at least in this tiny corner - across the river Quebecers will be going to the polls next month (5th time in 6 years) but here in hockey-mad Ottawa talk is of the Sens winning a game finally (though they are still in last place behind their sworn enemies the Maple Lumps). The city was awash in students yesterday demonstrating against tuition fee hikes but it was all very peaceful and Canadian-like - perhaps the lovely weather had something to do with it. Oh, I hear there is a new man at the helm south of us. Hope he can live up to the expectations the US public has burdened him with. In my lifetime the States have come along way (from racial segregation to a dream of MLK's that has finally come true) and surely this is what they need to show the world they can once again be a great nation. Peace. gws