Where ever you are...happy december! Marie and I returned safely from our trip to Quebec City this past week. As you can see we had a little bit of snow - in fact when we went up to the ski hills they were making snow, but not enough to stop us from getting around. We picked up some wine at a local winery, Vignoble Domaine Royanois, known for being one of the most northerly vineyards in North America, visited the Basilica twice, Montmorency Falls and went into Quebec City. There were few tourists around, but once the Winter Carnival and skiing begins in earnest there will be crowds everywhere..When we left yesterday we took route 138, travelling along the St Lawrence River all the way to Montreal where we met up with Phil for a beer at his latest favourite spot, a microbrewery-bar near centretown. He and Fer are happy, having found an apartment nearby! Before we left for Ottawa`we stopped off at the Olympic Stadium and took in the big dog show there - the Salon National des Animaux de Compagnie. Every type of dog imaginable there but nothing yet to compare to Muffy...So we now are back in Ottawa and getting ready for a snowy month, or so they are forecasting. We will be here till the 20th when we drive down to Plattsburgh, NY to catch a plane to Florida for Christmas. We will probably plan a trip to the property again in February, then again in early spring...This week the Ottawa`School of Art is having it's annual Christmas Art Show and I have put in three pieces, Canadian landscapes in triptych form. I have a few other works in progress and will put them up on the blog soon. Come back and check them out! Meanwhile have a good week and ...go Habs go! gws