Happy New Year! We celebrated Christmas this year with the kids in Montreal and Embrun, Ontario, just south of Ottawa. It was one of the warmest Decembers on record and on Christmas Eve the temperature in Montreal was 17C ( 63F). There was no snow for the big day but I still took the grandkids out to the local park to play soccer and to walk about the very green outdoor skating rink. Our friends Rafa and Pilar came over for Christmas dinner with their son Pablo. It was nice to see them again after almost a year. Fernanda cooked a wonderful turkey with all the trimmings and joined us the next day at Christina and Alex's new house in Embrun. Another excellent turkey done by Christina with some meat pies one of the 20 odd guests that crowded into the house brought with them. When we returned home on the 27th we arrived just as the first major snowstorm of the season rolled in and, as I write, it hasn't stopped since! We will attempt to return to Montreal on the 8th as Phil and Fer are going out to an NHL game between the Habs and Pens. Peace and health to all for the next 12 months. gws

Last day at Daycare before Christmas |
Get me down, Grandpapa! |
this is a skating rink? |
Waterpark, Dec 24th |
William checking out the water drops in garden, Dec 24th |
Amy, the photographer's delight |
Pilar & Rafa |
Amy, Pablo and William |
Jesse, Lara, Joshua and Amy, Christmas Day |
Joshua, Dec 25, 2015 |
Amy, Pablo, Joshua and William |
Christmas dinner, Embrun, Ontario |
Christina and Marie |
Amy and Dexter |
Boxing Day, leaving for Montreal |
Christina and Alex
Happy 2016!