For the past month Marie and I have worked on finishing the kitchen walls and ceiling in preparation for the installation of the kitchen cabinets. Before putting up the drywall we had to run what seemed like miles of wiring and 1/2 inch pex for the numerous electrical outlets, sink, dishwater and fridge hookups, plus completing propane connections for the oven and stove. In all Marie put in 30 switches and electrical outlets, plus 14 pot lights. Once this was completed it was time to cut out the holes and hang the drywall. For the ceiling we used our handy lifter, a tool that has saved my back more than a few times. I seriously thought about hiring someone to do the taping and mudding but after slowly doing the entranceway closet over a 3 day period I felt I was ready to tackle this one job I hated more than any other! It took another 4 days to finish mudding and sanding then it was time to prime and paint. For the kitchen we chose Tarragon by SICO and Tamari Almond for the entranceway closet, two earth tones that match the general feel of the house.
finished entranceway clothes closet |
We had originally planned to have the cabinets in by the end of this year but due to delivery problems for the black walnut which was coming from Ontario we have resigned ourselves to waiting another month. We are having them built locally by Marc, a young artisan who calls his company
Toutanbwa, a play on the words "tout en bois". Check out what wonderful skills he has on his web
www.marclamothe.com. Needless to say both Marie and I are like expectant parents as we wait the arrival of our new kitchen.

water and propane connections |
It has been a vey mild December so far with temperatures that go up and down like a yoyo. We still enjoy walking around the property most mornings with our first coffee of the day. In the past this time of year we have had to strap on our snowshoes or stay inside because it has been too darn cold. El Nino is to blame they say and we are forecasting a green Christmas. We occasionally stumble across our resident red fox who has a den by the small frog pond behind the house and seems to enjoy our company. I also found time to finish tiling and grouting around the fireplace and wood storage enclosure that I started in early November and am now ready to begin installing the ledgestone from the floor to the ceiling, a winter job that I will putter at between shoveling snow and visiting the offspring and grandkids.

We are looking forward to spending a week with all the clan in Montreal and Ottawa for the Christmas hols. It will be the first time in a while we haven't made any plans for heading south during the cold weather. My brother Rich and wife Rose have already departed the GWN and are spending Christmas in Florida, one of many spots they plan to stay for the next four months. Carolyn will be there too this week before continuing south to Mexico and her winter home until May. Dee will be trying out her new skis about now I imagine with all the snow in Utah now she no longer calls herself a Floridian - but she is very happy to be surrounded by her kids and grandchildren! This will be my last post of 2015 and I want to wish everyone a safe, healthy and happy New Year. gws
our fox dozing in the sun behind the house |
and looking for squirrel lunch by birdfeeder |
and one last one.....
View from our bedroom looking south |