Saturday, November 21, 2009
Womb With a View
Greetings ! Marie and I spent the day in Montreal Friday with Phil and Fer, first meeting them at the 3D Ultrasound clinic and seeing our new grandson for the first time in "real time" - he is now 23 weeks and doing very well. Seems every thing is where it should be and we are all looking forward to the next ultrasound in another month. Fer's family in Mexico and Christina back in Ottawa were able to see the complete session via an internet link! *** ( Note to Phil and Fer - Patrick will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for! ) *** Afterwards we went out to Baby's R Us, then Cage aux Sports for lunch before heading back to Phil's apartment. Lara had dropped in to be with us as well and left for her office afterwards. She is working on the sale of a million dollar house and I can only hope she is successful! She and Chad are off to Honduras in January. Late in the day Phil and I went out to pick up some baby furniture for the new room he is renovating. We spent the night then headed home early Saturday morning. Still great weather for this time of year and more to come! Next weekend we will all be at Mont Tremblant - could be a green December! gws