Thursday, the day after Remembrance day, Marie and I drove to Montreal to drop off Phil's new van. I had found it here in Ottawa - a used 2004 Kia Sedona which I had safetied and tuned up, put on snow tires and had it cleaned inside and out. Hopefully it will give him a few good years of use - he needs it for work and for his "growing family"! After staying the night with him and Fer I drove his 4Runner (to store at our property) Marie following in the pickup, and we headed out to the cabin for the next day. Everything was the same as we left it and the weather was glorious. Friday morning we drove to Quebec City ( just under 3 hours from the property) for Marie's interview with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. That's her coming out of ther cabin around 0930, ready for business! She was pleased with the interview and now has to wait a few weeks for the results. I spent the day wandering around the city and basking in the warm weather by the river. (As far as size goes Quebec City is just ahead of Ottawa in poulation (municipal). Here is the top 10 - Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Quebec, Ottawa, Winnepeg, St. Catherines). The sun was fairly low on the horizon as I took some of these shots and the shadows are fairly long in most of them. We are more north here!

Saturday after returning to the cabin we took a quick trip into Coburn Gore, Maine just across the border from us to pick up some parcels we had delivered to the town's general store. It's conveniant and cheaper than having items shipped from the US to Canada - we just pay duty. And as we now live in Ontario, no Quebec sales tax. It was a lovely warm day so we took the time to cover up the van and Phil's truck for the coming cold weather and snow and enjoyed the quiet. Seems we were about the only souls on the Domaine as by now there is snow on the ground and it's a lot colder!

Saturday night it rained very hard and we had all the ditches running with water when we got up Sunday morning, but the sun tried to come out a few times and, by the time we relunctantly left for home, the temperature was up to 17C! That's us disguised in our rain gear as we enjoy our first coffee of the morning in the mist. I took a shot of Marie standing near our newly dug well in the area we will be building. We plan to come back in January or February to do some snowshoeing and check the place out one last time before returning in springtime.
And now it's back to school, preparing for the holidays and looking for a seasonal bush to decorate with heathen ornaments and such. ( Aren't I politically correct! - I just hope no one will put out a fatwa on me now! You never know these days, even here in Canada!) The end of the month we are still off to Mont Tremblant and a week of doing squat. Phil and Fer will be coming up as well! Will let everyone know how that went! It was nice to hear Carolyn, Michael and Ryan had a great visit with Mom and Dad in Florida. I'm looking forward to seeing Ryan up here this spring to help me finish the cabin! Till later... Have a great week! gws