I had a little problem with the server today but I'm back up now. As promised I have posted some more pictures of this past weekend, including one of Muffy and Sal.

Things haven't changed here in the big city since my return from the peace and solitude of the mountains - police, firetruck and ambulance sirens, drunks and questionable ladies of the night staggering around on the streets outside my condo window, and strange bumps in the night from our neighbours above, below and to the side, continue unabated. This then is part of living downtown, slightly soiled by the cities inability to clean up the grimier side of life in the shadow of the Peace Tower, our symbol of freedom, and prosperity. Perhaps this enduring symbol of Canada should be renamed to better reflect who we now are - a nation of "peacemakers" instead of "peacekeepers". I often wonder what the masses of camera-clicking Asian tourists think as they step over and around the panhandlers and sleeping derelicts in our capital city...

And to make it worse every road in the city - plus the main truck route from here to Quebec which runs a block away - seems to be under construction. Traffic jams, honking, irate drivers, and dust...Only two more days till we return to the mountains and blessed quiet...Peace.