Good morning and welcome back to everyone logging on today! Marie, Rich and I returned safely from our trip to our property in the Eastern Townships late last night after an eventful four days! We are now the proud owners of a new cabin! We crossed the border into Coburn Gore, Maine (17 kilometers away by road) Saturday morning and met the cabin's builders, Rob and his son Caleb from Pinnacle farms in Kingfield, Maine, an hour south on Rte 27. They had pulled the cabin up on their trailer but due to legalities about doing business in Quebec without the proper permits, etc we switched the trailer and cabin onto another 4x4 truck we had borrowed and, after the usual hassles at the Canadian border, brought it into Canada and up our winding, steep road to our property, Marie leading the way as escort vehicle - with a flashing light on top of our little pickup! After an hour of backing and pulling it into position we finally got it where we wanted it, the porch facing the rising sun and the windows looking out over the mountains. Lara and Chad arrived shortly afterwards from Montreal to spend the night and the next day we explored the Domain, walking down to the lakes and enjoying the fall scenery. Monday Rich and I drove down to Farmington, Maine to have a new set of tires put on the truck, returned to the property to pack up and headed back to Ottawa, driving through the Townships, into New York state to avoid driving through the traffic in Montreal, and then up to Cornwall and home. Next week Marie and I are heading back, if the weather allows, to put some wood protector/stain onto the cabin before the really cold weather arrives, try out a new kerosene heater we picked up and say goodbye to the end of summer for good. More pictures to come tomorrow so drop in then and say hi! gws