September proved to be a beautiful month on the mountain and work on the garage progressed well. The insulated walls were put up in a few weeks and the trusses which had been delivered earlier were secured to the walls once the crane arrived from Sherbrooke. The slab for the carport where the camper would be placed was poured, the 6x6 treated support posts installed and the two headers were lifted in place with the help of the crane. Charles and Mathieu do wonderful work - they are meticulous and precise and obviously take great pride in what they do. They currently have three projects ongoing on the Domaine and, although we wish they were here more often, they ensure me everything will be done (except the shingling of the roof and the cedar siding installation) before winter. November looked promising at the start but after a few days of warm, rainy days it turned much colder and we had over 3 inches of snow on the 6th. Installation of the roof membrane was held up once again. And now as I write this it is near the end of November, one side only of the membrane is on, the stairs to the loft aren't built and the garage door, windows and doors are yet to be ordered. Although I managed to take off the truck camper and put it in the carport we have a garage we can't use. Stay tuned for what I'm sure will not be good news as winter is on us and the chance of warm days to do any more outside work are getting slimmer. gws