Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Cozumel, Mexico (Parte Dos)

A few days later Marie and I took a cab to Buccano's Beach Club, a few miles north of the town, for breakfast and to meet up with Carolyn and Michael and some of their biking friends and other local and retired people they had come to know during the past ten years they had spent on the island. It was another gorgeous day, the food delicious and the company great. We had met a few of their friends earlier in the week and always felt they were pleased to see us again. We spent the day eating quite a delicious and varied Mexican breakfast, swimming and wandering about the property. Gabriel, a local notary (with his lovely wife Sandy and daughter Alessandra we had enjoyed the company of at breakfast) lived only a short walk from Carolyn and Mike's casa and drove us back home when we had had enough of the sun and surf. If that is even possible. Later that the evening the four of us went out to Parracazuela's restaurant (great food, guacamole, burritos and salsas, and Bohemia cerveza) meeting up with a young American couple from Michigan, Matt and Carrie, who regaled us with tales of their experiences in Guatemala. Marie was now feeling better and recovering well from her accident, a band-aid on her chin and some healing scratches the the only evidence of her crash. While we were in Cozumel we were also invited to Gabriel's beautiful home for a taco supper, drinks and music, entertained by one of his friends, doctor Carlos who certainly loved life and all it had to offer. The next day we planned to go to Punta Sur Eco Beach Park, a large nature reserve we had visited back in 2011. Should be fun!   gws

Buccano's Beach Club

Carolyn, Sandy, and daughter Alessandra, Buccano's Beach Club

Canadians, eh?

Carolyn and Sandy, enjoying the shade

Marie swimming in the warm Caribbean, Playa del Carmen in the distance

Marie's vegetarian burritos, Parricazuela restaurant

Matt, Carrie, Carolyn, me and Michael at Restaurante Parricazuela

Marie and friend Catrina, San Miguel

new tile on Michael and Carolyn's palapa

Robyn, Igor, Mike, Yua, Gabriel, Carlos, Carolyn, me, Henri and Ingrid

 Robyn, Yuani, Sandy, Carolyn and Gabriel. And the ham Mike.