Café Bistro la Brûlerie, Lac-Mégantic
On September 1st Marie and I drove to Lac Mégantic to meet up with her cousin André and his wife Michelle for lunch. They had come up for a few days from Montreal where they were visiting their daughter and grandson. I had last seen them in 2014 when we took the train to Menton, France, on our way to England. Marie had seen them last year during their trip to Canada in 2015. Although it was cool and breezy during their visit we still took them to all the local spots they might be interested in - a tour of the town and the site of the train derailment, a walk about the Domaine and lac La Passe and a trip up to the observatory of the Parc national du Mont Mégantic. They hopefully enjoyed their three days here and will look back fondly on their time in this very different part of the world.
site of the new park, Lac Megantic |
Parc national du Mont-Mégantic |
ASTROLab du parc national du Mont-Mégantic
Les Jardins d'Abondance, Notre-Dame-des-Bois |