When we returned from Coatepec a "night before the wedding" party was held at the pool in our hotel and we met Pili, the bride, and her mother and many of the guests that would be attending the wedding the next day. Our hotel, the Gran Hotel Diligencias is located in the Zócalo, overlooking the main square of the old centre of Veracruz, well known for the "Danzon" with its wandering musicians playing the marimbas, the mariachis and guitar players singing tropical tunes as well as the colourful, ubiquitous craft stalls set up in the evenings. We heard the singing till the wee hours of the morning as our room faced the square! The main cathedral built across from the square in the 18th century, where the wedding would be held, also surrounds some of the oldest hotels in the New World. Let's not forget Veracruz is mostly known for the place Cortez first landed in 1519. Veracruz is the principal Mexican port of entry on the Gulf and considered the oldest of New Spain. The capital of Mexico used to be here, under the government of Benito Juarez, whose statue and face seemed to be everywhere. We wandered around the Zócalo and down to the naval port, shopping for a new pair of shoes and a dress for Marie, trying our darndest not too look like Americanos. There are very few American or Canadian tourists here so we stood out from the crowd, though nobody tried to take advantage of us or made us feel unwelcome. On the contrary we found the local Veracruzanos friendly and always helpful.
at the Plaza de la Republica |
fellow sailors |
sculpture by Javier Marin |
Amy, Veracruz |
only crazy gringos from Quebec sit in the sun! |
Maria del Rayo, Gustavo & Fernanda |
Phil and Amy, pool Hotel Gran Diligencias |
After a day exploring the city it was time to dress, then head across the road to the Cathedral of Veracruz for the wedding. It would turn out to be a grand evening of pomp and ceremony, dancing and drink, food and companionship and yet another long night in the true Mexican tradition! gws