Jeez, give me a break, it helps me get through the cold days.. |
March has been a real bitch this year and I for one cannot wait to see the ugly rear end of her heading out of here once and for all. We have endured enough of our vehicles getting stuck in the snow coming up the drive or scraping ice off the solar panels. We had to replace yet another battery this month as well so survived for a few weeks on one bank of eight instead of all sixteen batteries. I don't think our generator ran more than usual this winter so we are about where we were this time last year in propane usage. Freaking stuff is expensive and we keep an eye on our consumption. Sunny days sure help... We had a chance to spend a few days in Montreal on the 11th and 12th celebrating Phil's 30th birthday - can't believe it but it happens to the best of us. We took him and the family out to the Keg restaurant in Place Ville Marie - a nice place with the usual raves afterwards for the steak. I had roast beef. Phil is as busy as ever at work and also still doing renovations in the duplex - it never ends obviously in a building that was built in 1924. We are presently looking for new tenants as the people upstairs who have been there 3 years are leaving. Should be very easy to rent with the new super hospital (McGill University Health Centre) just a few minutes away. It is the biggest in Canada and its proximity a boon for us when we decide to sell.
30 years ago...me and Phil, two weeks old, Whites Lake, NS |
Fernanda and the children are flying to Mexico City in April. Christina will be joining them as well. I would love to go as I really enjoyed my two visits with Fer's parents and extended family the past few years. Too much to do tho'. Marie and I have been our usual busy selves working on the laundry room and pantry, as well as framing the area in front of the fireplace for the cement board and stone veneer, and doing some rewiring up in the bedroom and bathroom. As we eagerly await spring we will take one more trip to Montreal at the end of the month and then in the middle of April we are driving our big diesel Ford down to New Smyrna Beach in Florida to pick up a used slide-in truck camper, a 2008 Northstar Adventurer. Rich and Rose are still down in Florida enjoying retirement, planning on returning to Canada in April. We will swing west to Brooksville to visit with Lyn and Don. They are currently having Dad assessed and put into assisted living. When we were down in February helping them pick up the trailer for Dad I didn't think it would work out moving him to their place. His dementia is getting worse and \I'm afraid it won't be long before he doesn't recognize any of us. He's a difficult person to begin with and this doesn't help. Time moves on. I will be 65 this year and ready for my OAS (Old Age Security) pension. Personally I prefer Advance Years Security but no matter what they call it I will have reached another milestone. Yeah! gws
Putting up cement board around fireplace prior to adding stone |
the driveway, snow shovel useless |
my little ballerina- she makes it all worth while |
Amy enjoying a cocktail, Keg Steak House |
Phil and Fernanda, Phil's 30th, Keg Steak House, Montreal |
my other angel William- he makes it all worth while as well |
two dopeys |
Rose and Rich, Lake Okeechobee, Florida |
Viva Mexico, restaurant Le Citron Vert, Lac Megantic |
Yep. Muffy thinks this winter has been for the birds |