Last week Marie and I drove out to Sherbrooke to meet Phil and his family at one of our favorite restaurants for dinner, Buffet des Continents, stuffed ourselves as we usually do there, and then, as night approached, returned back to our place, just as it was getting dark. The next day was sunny and warm so we drove out to Baie des Sables, a half hour away and just outside of the town of Lac Megantic, and rented a pontoon boat for the morning. The lake was a bit choppy as the day was windy, but we had a good time together. It was actually the first time since we had moved out to this area that Marie and I had been out on Lac Megantic and were surprised how big it was. We tied up in Piopolis at the town marina there to stretch our legs and have a coffee before heading out again onto the water, and back to the Baie des Sables (Amy slept the whole way, sprawled out on the seat in her lifejacket) where we returned the boat. Later on in the afternoon after lunch I took Amy down to the beach where she paddled about with what seemed a million other kids. Then after a long, satisfying day it was time to head back to the house for a BBQ supper. We thoroughly enjoyed the visit of the kids but just wish it was more than once a year! gws
Amy , Buffet des Continents, Sherbrooke |
pictures of our boating trip
town of Lac Megantic |