Marie and I drove to Montreal this weekend to celebrate the 2nd birthday of our beautiful granddaughter Amy and to congratulate Phil and Fernanda on the news that their next baby will be a boy, to be named William! If all goes well, and he is on schedule, William will be born on the 25th June, my Mother's and my birthday. Needless to say we are all excited and looking eagerly to this special day...The party was held at a nearby hall, as it was last year, just a short walk from the duplex. Rocio, Fernanda's sister, flew in from Mexico to be there and it was nice to see her again - what a wonderful person she is and such a good aunt for Amy! Christina drove down from Ontario with Isabelle and Sarah but couldn't bring Patrick who was home with a very bad tooth infection. Needless to say Amy was the hit of the party and was good as gold, thoroughly enjoyed herself and acted like the young lady she is!
Marie making paper table centerpieces |
It was great to see Lara, Jesse and Joshua again, as well as Pilar and Rafa with their little son Pablo. There were twenty-five or so people at the hall and the highlight for the kids there was certainly the breaking of the pinata! The theme Fernanda picked this year was the colours of the rainbow, thus the rainbow cake for the birthday girl. Afterwards Amy blew out the candle and helped share the goodies packed inside of the pinata.
Marie & Phil hanging the pinata |
Marie, Christina, Fer and Amy |
Lara & Joshua |
Rocio, Lara and Phil |
Joshua lost in thought |
Pilar & Pablo |
Amy & Rafa |
Daniella & Amy |
Lara & Marie |
Joshua & Jesse |
Lara & Joshua trying to break the pinata |
Amy's turn! |
Amy, Fer and Isabelle |
Amy and her rainbow cake |
The next day, Sunday, we all went out in the lane behind the house with Amy and her sled as it had snowed four or five inches during the night. She enjoyed it, especially as it wasn't nearly as cold as the previous few weeks where we saw temperatures in the -30s....We will be back in two weeks to celebrate Joshua's first birthday on the 11th. Isabelle turns 10 this month as well so we wish her a very happy day as well. For now it's back to working on the house. Meantime I am looking forward with mixed feelings to the start of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia and pray the corruption and atrocious overspending to bring them to the world will in the end be worth it. I doubt it though. Peace!
Grandma Marie & Amy |
Me & Amy - do I look happy! |
thanks for the dress Auntie Lara! |
Amy dancing to her favourite music videos |