Marie and I spent this past Easter weekend in Montreal with the kids and grandkids, a nice break from the work on the house and an escape from the snow. The weather in the city was nice and I had a chance to go out to the small park near the duplex with Phil, Fer and Amy who is walking very well now and always a joy to be with. Lara and Joshua are doing well and he has grown quite a bit since we saw him a few weeks ago. He is a perfect little boy and I can see how happy Lara is with him in her life. Hopefully this will be the year she sells her house and she can enjoy this special time with her son. Meanwhile it is back to the snowy mountain for us and lots more work on the house in the coming weeks. A trip to Toronto is next in my plans for this month to visit with Richard and his grandkids - it's been years since I was there and am looking forward to seeing them all again soon! Hopefully when I return spring will really have sprung and the trees will be showing their first buds! Can't wait!