Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pre-Hurricane Sandy

view of the house through our trees along Chemin Maxime

The last few days leading up to the arrival of Hurricane Sandy were hot and sunny here on the mountain and we were as busy as the proverbial Canadian beavers taking advantage of the good weather. As you can see by the photos below we worked our little beaver tails off! While Marie controlled the operation from her corner office in the basement I supervised the proceedings from the outside - directing the arrival and placement of the siding, overseeing the team from BelOWatt who were up to connect the generator to the solar system, advising the best place to put our metal stairs that would enable us to get up to the house in the winter if we wanted to walk up from the cabin, helping install iron supports under the main entranceway to better hold up the roof and deck, and taking the opportunity when I had it to drive across to Maine to pick up some packages and cheap gas. We also had time to do some plumbing in the basement bathroom as we intend to have this ready first. Once the temperatures get too cold to live in the cabin we want to be able to have a workable bathroom with toilet, shower and sink! At the end of the week we headed to Montreal for  a few days with the truck and trailer to bring back a Compaq cabinet Phil had got for us from one of his job sites and alot of boxes to put into storage. We saw the kids and had a chance to babysit Amy - what a joy she is to be around! But we couldn't stay long as we had to get back to batten down the hatches as Hurricane Sandy had decided to move northeast and our property in the mountains was right in her path! We knew at our elevation of 2000 feet we had one advantage to the poor people on the coast who were madly sandbagging - we certainly wouldn't flood!  gws

Captain Kirk

picking up stuff at the Maine border means waiting in line...yawn

crimping PEX

parts of our metal stairs ready to be installed



Mathieu, Luis and Mathias

bringing in the big machinery to move stairs

Denise wishing she hadn't ever met us!

Maibec siding arriving

there looks good Rene

working out again

putting in the BIG bolts

that won't move!

putting up shelter for the siding

Luis on cabin roof re-positioning brackets for solar panel for winter sun

catching the rays

Amy, 9 months