Last weekend Phil, Fernanda and Amy drove down to the cabin for a few days before heading to Atlantic City and NYC for a week of fun and relaxation. Phil had promised to do some cabling for us - speakers, outside camera and alarm system, television, telephone, ether net, etc. The weather was warm and dry and we spent the next two days drilling holes and running what seemed to be miles of cable! Amy was her usual perfect self and I didn't hear her complain once the whole time she was there - what a sweetie she is - and I tried to spend as much time with her as I could, On Monday we took two cars to Eustis, Maine for breakfast at the Looney Moose Cafe and said goodbye to the intrepid travellers as they headed south to Augusta and lobster on the beach. Then for Marie and I back into Quebec for another week of construction to look forward to : laying more radiant flooring and putting up the interior walls! gws
Amy swinging in her jolly jumper on the cabin porch |
Fernanda running cable |
Phil seems to know what he is doing! |
Phil and Fer waiting for traffic to move at the Maine border crossing |
Phil and Fer being processed by the US customs, Coburn Gore, Maine |
Amy and Marie, Eustis, Maine |