Sunday, June 17, 2012


Amy and me, Montreal, June 16

Following a busy few days Marie and I finally dragged out our bicycles and pedaled down to the lake and up the small trail towards the Saddle. It was a glorious week with nary a cloud in the sky - rain for a few hours would be nice just to fill our rain barrels. We spent the last few days cutting grass, cleaning the van, planting trees and getting ready for what will be an even busier week ahead when the structure of the house will be going up. Then a quick trip back to Montreal for some fun times with the kids and Amy, some shopping and laundry before heading out again Monday - we are off to Barton, Vermont to pick up materiel for our radiant floors before returning to the cabin. Wherever you are peace and have a happy Fathers Day!

our swimming hole

Lac de la Passe and the Saddle
Marie and lupins
biking around the Domaine

cutting grass around the fire pit

tuk-tuk our resident chipmunk on my ceramic turtle

wildflowers by the cabin

swallowtail in my garden

me cooling off in the swimming hole

Marie and the Saddle

Marie and Amy

Amy in her jolly jumper