Marie's cousins, Louise and Denise Séguin, and her Godmother Madame Leblanc visited us this week to extend best wishes to Phil and Fer on the arrival of baby Amy. She was on her best behaviour as usual and enjoyed the attention. It was certainly nice to see Louis and his wife again after so many years and to hear all the news of their family. They brought Amy a lovely yellow sleepwear outfit and a small statuette - a child within a protective hand. We all really appreciate their kind gesture and regret that in our busy lives we don't see friends and family as often as we should. We parted promising to get together once again this summer when Marie and I drive out to the cabin. Louis and Denise have a trailer in a campground in the small village of Mansonville in the Eastern Townships, south of highway 10, near the Vermont border...a bientot, nos amis! gws
Denise, Louis, Marie and Amy |
Madame Leblanc, Amy and mama |