A last visit to the cabin, then home to attend Marie's retirement dinner, then a few days to pack before heading down to Plattsburgh, NY on the 20th to catch a DirectAir flight to Florida to begin our 3 weeks in the south. As our cruise from Ft Lauderdale doesn't begin until the 26th we spent the week visiting with Lyn, Don, Shawn, Lauren, Brenna, Mom and Dad in Brooksville and Dee in Land O Lakes. November in central Florida is very pleasant, the humidity gone and the cool nights that come on fairly quickly quite refreshing. We spent three days at Lyns place, going with her one day to film her riding lessons on a horse farm just outside Brooksville. Marie was thrilled to get a chance to ride and looked quite at home in the saddle! I was attacked by the ever present fire ants that curse Florida and will be itching for another week. A visit to Mom to get her computer back up and the television working was essential and then it was time for Thanksgiving dinner at Dee's on Thursday - spiral ham, sweet potato pie and all the fixings. Friday we are off in our rental car to Richard's place in Lake Worth, on the east coast, where we will spend the night before driving down to meet the ship. I will try to update on each of our ports so come back and
sea what we are up to!
Muffy on top of the septic tank |
Muffy & Marie |
Gary & Muffy |
DirectAir, Plattsburgh, NY |
our rented Lincoln Continental |
Mom and horse, Lake Lindsey Road |
Marie & Brenna |
Lyn, riding lessons |
Lyn |
Marie |
Jane & Lyn |
Marie, Butterfly Park, The Groves |
Mom & Marie |
Dad, Mom, Gary in his 1969 HMCS Skeena cap |
Gary, Lyn and dogs, Hamish and Ciara |
Ebe and Dee |
Marie and Dee, Ukuleles Bar, Land O Lakes |
Ukuleles Bar, Land O Lakes |
Dee and Marie |
Dad pouring a beer |
Heading home |