Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability and the carefree days harvest all the lovliest flowers of the soul, and, as we approach the last days of another August, I look back to the past few weeks with happy memories of these days spent with family and friends. My neighbours Mark and Kathy and their two girls spent three days up at the property with me earlier in the month, exploring the Domaine and the outlying area. They drove around Lake Megantic and through the little village of Piopolis one day, spent one beautiful hot morning enjoying the views from atop Mt. Megantic and visiting the observatory, then relaxing at night around the firepit eating smores as the Milky Way blazed overhead.

The following week brother Richard and his girlfriend Rosie arrived from Georgetown, Ontario, travelling down by train, and spending a few days enjoying the sights of Montreal. They got a day pass for the metro, met Marie for lunch in Chinatown, savoured the bounties of Quebec farms at the Marche Jean Talon and strolled Rue Henri-Julien where we first stayed in the city. A few days after they left Dart, Phil's friend from Nova Scotia, arrived with his family to spend a few days as well. Hopefully all concerned take back home good and happy memories. gws
This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath,
May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet
Bill Shakespeare