This lovely warm May day found Marie and I visiting the cemetary behind the Église St-Jean-Chrysostôme in St-Chrysostôme, Quebec where her Mother and Father are buried. It is a beautiful spot, about 30 minutes south of Montreal near the New York border, surrounded by the fertile farms, dairys, orchards and greenhouses that supply the big city to the north. It was a much needed break for both of us from the ongoing duplex renovations, work and the bustle of Montreal. It has been over seven years since Marie lost her parents and standing there in the freshly mowed lawn of the cemetary we both marvelled at the passing of time. On our return to home I called my Mum and was gladdened to hear how well she sounded, enjoying her special day with her daughters and new great-granddaughter Brenna. I love you Mum!
Where the heck is St-Chrysostôme?
Whether we wake or we sleep, Whether we carol or weep, The Sun with his Planets in chime, Marketh the going of Time. ~Edward Fitzgerald gws |