Good morning! I was thinking recently that there are too many books I haven't read, too many places I haven't seen, too many memories I haven't kept long enough. Well this blog
is called Gary's Life for a reason! Here then are some of my favourite memories I
intend to keep - a few pictures of me from 1968 through 1977. The first one is me and my 76 Celica taken in Cape Breton in 1977 - that was the best car I have ever owned and what I wouldn't give to be able to have another one! I flew down to Vancouver from Masset on the Queen Charlotte Islands when I was stationed there the first time to pick it up (after ordering it sight unseen) and brought it back up north on the ferry Queen of Prince Rupert through the Inside Passage. The next one is of me and Mom in Land O' Lakes in the early 70's when she and Dad had their little place tucked away amongst the oranges and grapefruit groves! I really enjoyed driving down from Canada every year to visit them there - mostly during the winters and when I was still single. The next one is a shot of me on top of Sao Jorge Castle in Lisbon, Portugal in 1973, a view of the red-tiled city stretching out below. I actually made three trips to Lisbon during my time in the navy. One of my favourite ports, Lisbon is rich in history and beauty and the people very friendly. I remember the fado singers, the narrow cobblestoned steets that always seemed to climb to the summit of the city and the many plazas, all with huge statues of some famous - so they say - hero brandishing a sword on horseback! The next photo is me with my "cousins" Marilyn and Pauline in Canterbury in the mid 70's. Whenever the ship docked in Plymouth or Portsmouth I always tried to get a few days of shore leave and take a train to Canterbury, Mom's and my birthplace. I always felt home here. The next one is of me, Carolyn, Dee and Tickey the dog in front of our house in Port Moody before the family drove out to New Brunswick in 1969. Can't see Rich anywhere - maybe he was claiming his spot in the truckbed (was that even allowed?) for that
long trip! Next is one of me doing my first jump near Coldbrook, Nova Scotia in 1972 - screamed all the way down but what a blast! I had to be pushed out or I would have missed my target! We flew only to 3500 feet I recall but the view from up there is magnificent - you could see all of the Bay of Funday right into New Brunswick. Next one of me while in Cornwallis, NS during basic training in 1970. Another great experience, and of my recollections the amount of food I ate in the mess stands out the most! You could eat all you wanted and was it good! And of course who could forget training in the dead of a Nova Scotian winter with that wind blowing off the Bay! Next shot is of me and pal Bruce sharing a bottle of Sangria on the beach in Masset in 1975. Bruce is now in Campbell River, BC and both him and I are planning to return to the Misty Islands again soon. Next, me in Victoria, BC in '69, then another shot of me parachuting in 1972. That's me again in Victoria in '69, then one of me and my '62 Impala taken near Ioco, BC. Loved this old convertible and used to drive it during "winter" in BC with the top down. Actually the top used to get jammed at times so I often had little choice. I remember paying $600 for the car at the time! I drove it to Squamish over the mountains everyday when I worked there in construction until the tranny went. Couldn't pick one up today for less than 30 grand. Next photo is me again that same year in Victoria. Back to Masset in 1974 for the next two pix - the first one of me on North Beach with my brand new Corolla I drove out from Halifax (paid $1800 cash for it,new)then sold it to my boss who drove it back east. This is what I bought to replace it - a little dune buggy that went through two engines while I had it, tearing up and down the beaches, through salt water rivers, pea gravel and plank roads that could swallow you up in the mud after a heavy rain. The last one is me around 1975 proudly displaying what looks like a bullhead caught in the river Tlell, Queen Charlottes! Photographer, Bruce. Ah great memories and hopefully you enjoyed sharing them with me. No matter how small we sometimes feel in the scheme of things the history of the world is not complete until each one
our stories is told! Till next time!