16 December, 2014 |
It has been another beautiful wintry day on the mountain, everything covered with ice crystals after some freezing fog descended upon us yesterday. We had spent the past weekend in Montreal celebrating Marie's birthday and helping Phil put down a new floor in the living room. Amy and William were good as gold and always a joy to be around. We will be returning to Montreal for Christmas for a few days. Lara, Joshua and Jesse have promised to join us for dinner on the 24th so I am looking forward to seeing my other little grandson again soon. While in town we returned two of our Trojan deep-cycle batteries that had weak cells and were affecting the other batteries capabilities to charge fully. The solar system is a good idea and usually dependable but you are at the mercy of the weather and must monitor it daily. As the days are getting shorter we find the sun so low on the horizon it often has little impact on the charging system and we have to resort to the generator. I still remove snow from the panels manually whenever I need to and am still trying to find a way to do it another way when we are not at home. Any suggestions? Thank you for those who sent Christmas cards this year and to all may you have many happy returns, a safe holiday and peace.
William, Amy and Marie |
Happy birthday Grandmamma! |
Amy watching TV... Go Habs Go! |
William and Grandpapa |
Muffy playing in the snow |
Early morning, 16 Dec |
deep-cycle batteries |