It was finally time to go out and get another shed! Our first one was bursting at the seams and just could not handle all the junk I was cramming into it - bikes, tools, workbench, lawnmower, weed wackers, chainsaws, etc. We had bought it back in 2007 and although a sturdy plastic structure, made in Israel, I wanted a wood shed that would last a few years longer. It had been sitting behind the solar array since we put it up 6 years ago and in a very wet spot, consequently it began sagging and opening up in the corners and allowing the rain in. We settled on another 8x10 that Richard and I had seen at the Home Depot in Brampton. So after taking a picture of it and showing it to Marie we went ahead and picked up the kit in Sherbrooke a few weeks later and started to build it in late April, just in front of the cabin, one of the few flat areas we have. After I injured my foot in May construction went on hold until we came back from Florida. Well it is finally up and finished and I am very happy with the results! Except for the shingles and roof felt everything was included in the kit and well worth the $1099 we paid for it. Marie chose the colours - taupe to match the other sheds and a dark brown trim. Looks pretty good, no? Rich came up for a visit in early June and helped me put up the other shed in a dry spot, in front of the solar panels. Already I am thinking about a third one!