In preparation for renting the upper floor of our duplex in Montreal Marie and I spent this past week in the city cleaning, painting, putting in new electrical outlets, and clearing out the last of our furniture and effects. With Phil's help and suggestions, and with him as the new landlord, we feel the place looks better than ever now and worthy of our investment. Now we wait for the perfect tenant to move in!
During this time Fernanda's parents Rosalia and Cesar and her brother Cesra Jr and sisters Anais and Rocio arrived from Mexico City to help celebrate Amy's baptism and first birthday, on the 28th. It was really nice to see them all again and catch up on what they have been doing this past year. Thanks for the cigars
compadre! Unfortunately bitterly cold weather descended on the city the week they arrived and we had to be content with staying indoors as much as possible. Fer kept us all warm with her spicy cooking and Amy with her smiles - what a beautiful little girl she is!
Emma and Amy |
Cesar enjoying some spicy pizza and wine |
Happy grandmothers |
Cesar, Phil, Rocio and Fernanda |
We did manage to go up to the Columbarium on Mont Royal to visit with little Patrick, say a few prayers and reflect on how he would have been three years old this coming March. Lara and Jesse met us there and afterwards we treated everyone to lunch at an Indian buffet downtown. We have been a few times to the Maharaja but we all agreed there are better Indian restaurants in the city!
Hopefully the next time the Penagos family fly up here they will come in the summer! Amy's baptism was held Sunday at Saint-Raymond de Pennafort parish, a few blocks away from the duplex in NDG but it was too cold to walk even for a few minutes. It was a regular service and all the children in church that morning were asked to come up and help bless Amy.
Afterwards we went to the local community hall nearby for her birthday celebrations and a good time was had by the many who attended. There was all sorts of delicious Mexican food prepared by Fernanda, a decorate-it-yourself cupcake table designed by Rosio, punch by Marie and a
pinata for the kids.
Amy and friends playing in the community hall. |
Our neighbours, Sarah and Emma |
me and Pablo |
Cesar enjoying Fer's cooking |
Sarah and her mom Kathy |
Christina with Isabelle and Sarah |
Amy swinging at the pinata |
candy free for all after wards |
Rocio |
And now we are back at the house, ready to start another two weeks of work here before returning to Montreal to welcome Lara's little fellow who is due around the middle of February!