As you can see Phil´s bathroom makeover is s l o w l y progressing! The walls have been painted and the lights installed- including three pots which look rather neat, the cabinet put in it´s niche and the heater nestled into a spot in front of the toilet. Last week I put on the ceramic floor tiles and ended up breaking a few so redid those. The toilet is in and a relief to all as late night excursions up the winding fire escape stairs in the back entry to go pee were not popular with Phil.

Friday I finished grouting the remaining tiles and yesterday began tiling the shower enclosure. Once that is done the shower doors can be put up. Phil was in Toronto this week on a work-related course so he was eager to get back to give me a hand - read supervise. He and Fer took on this major project but stuck with it and should be proud of what they did. He has plans to tear down more walls, rip up the tile in the entranceway and upgrade the basement. Oh no! Chad, Lara and Jake, her kid brother - surely I have mentioned him in dispatches?- from Nova Scotia who is up to give them a hand with their own renovations, were over to borrow Phil`s sledge hammer and prybars Tuesday and I am secretly hoping they don't return them till the end of summer....Meanwhile Marie and I spent five days at the cabin this past week with Mario, Zoe and Adam. They had driven up from Cambridge, Mass. Friday afternoon.
Marie, Mario, Adam and Zoe |
Zoe and Muffy |
We set up the old camper van on the flat spot where the house will go, adding the extra room that attaches to the awning and made it as comfortable as we could for them. Zoe put up her tent close by in the woods and roughed it, surviving the black flies and rain overnight the first two days. But from Sunday on it dried up, the sun shone and the flies all but disappeared. She was excited to see the Big Dipper in the clear skies overhead for the first time. The kids amused themselves as best they could - building fires, catching frogs and playing in the woods, and playing with Muffy, of course, who although getting on in years, still likes to explore in the woods.
camper and Zoe's tent |
There were surprisingly few people about but now that it is June the weekend Domainers will be coming in from the cities to zip about in their 4 wheelers - I still don't understand the backwoods mentality of city folk who drive in their cars all week then, given a chance to walk and enjoy the peace and quiet, chose to ride around on a noisy ATV. We will be returning next week to finish the cabin interior and do some more work on the outdoor toilet...Have a great week!
Muffy surveying her domain from the ´Runner |
phlox growing on the wall along our driveway, |
pathway through the woods to the house site and camper |
view from camper |